National Residence Hall Honorary
What is NRHH?
The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is the premiere honorary supported by the leading international organization advocating for the interests and welfare of residence hall students, while also providing opportunities for their personal growth and development. NRHH strives to provide recognition for individuals who have contributed to the advancement of college and university housing. It ensures the advancement of member chapters through resource sharing, programming, and leadership development opportunities to contribute and support the vision of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Incorporated.
Our NRHH Team
Associate Director
Maintain regular and consistent contact with the individual member chapters
Represent regional NRHH interests
Determines all “Of the Month” (OTMs) on the regional level
Responsible for NRHH affiliation and assisting new chapters
Responsible for the upkeep of all NRHH governing documents
Chairs NRHH Representative Boardroom
Coordinating Officer for NRHH and Bid Development
Lindsey Hood
Organize bidding timelines for the Regional Leadership Conferences and Regional Business Conferences
Coordinates all regional conference award efforts
Assists ADNRHH with National Residence Hall Month
Regional NRHH
Justin Sanchez
Maintain contact with the NRHH advisors in SAACURH and hold monthly NRHH advisor chats and/or establish an NRHH Advisor Committee to support campus NRHH advisors
Assist in the development of bids for submissions to regional and NACURH levels
Serve as the NRHH boardroom advisor at conferences